List of Master Theses

Open Master Theses

Name Title Advisor

Currently no open master thesis topics

If you are interested in writing a Master's thesis in our group, we recommend that you first complete the (260229 LP) Project Oriented Laboratory Experiments in Environmental Physics.

Ongoing Master Theses

Name Title Advisor
Florian Kuderna Comparison of Stratospheric Coarse Aerosol Size Distributions inside and outside the Stratospheric Polar Vortex during the SABRE-2 Campaign. Prof. B. Weinzierl
Mirjam Rieser Vertical distribution of coarse mode aerosol during the ACCLIP campaign 2022 in South Korea. Prof. B. Weinzierl
Sophie Scharinger An investigation of sea salt aerosol concentration and size distribution off the coast of California. Prof. B. Weinzierl
Wolfram Schmidt Design and characterization of a thermodenuder. Prof. B. Weinzierl
Christian Sommer Experimental quantification of early nano particle growth during new particle formation in the CLOUD chamber at CERN Prof. P. Winkler

Completed Master Theses

Name Title Advisor Completed
Constantin Hobza Particle number size distribution measurements of Polyethylene Terephthalate nanoplastic particles in compressed air and nitrogen Prof. P. Winkler 2024
Aino Lesjak A study on the PM 2.5 concentration in six European cities over the last decade Prof. P. Winkler 2024
Markus Tischberger Fine particulate emissions and resuspension of aerosol particles from birch catkins Dr. Julia Burkart 2024
Ruth Konrat Investigation of heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on airborne nanoplastic particles Prof. P. Winkler 2023
Herbert Hartl Characterisation and Comparison of Steady-State Charging Performances for different Non-Radioactive Bipolar Aerosol Neutralizers Prof. P. Winkler 2023
Lisa Wieland Changes in particle size distribution of mineral dust aerosol during long-range transport and its impact on optical properties and radiative forcing Prof. B. Weinzierl 2023
Judith Hahofer Indirect aviation aerosol effects Prof. B. Weinzierl 2023
Martina Eisenhut Characterization of two types of CEN-certified Condensation Particle Counters at ambient and low pressure conditions Prof. B. Weinzierl 2022
Patrick Koosz Investigating the impact of COVID 19 restrictions in spring 2020 onto submicron particle concentration of the Vienna urban aerosol Prof. P. Winkler 2022
Klara Maggauer Größenverteilungen von Nanopartikeln aus Thermosets Prof. P. Winkler 2022
Gregor Lattner Counting efficiencies of nanoplastic aerosol Prof. P. Winkler 2022
Michael Bauer Characterisation of the CAPS PMssa Prof. B. Weinzierl 2021
Nina Maherndl Analysis of black carbon measurements during A-LIFE with focus on polluted mineral dust layers Prof. B. Weinzierl 2021
Sebastian Sonnenberg CCN Aktivierung von Pollen-Subpartikeln Dr. Julia Burkart 2021
Sascia Kästenbauer Combined time evaluation of the particle size distribution of the Vienna Urban aerosol, measured with two parallel differential mobility particle sizers Prof. P. Winkler 2021
Carl Trondl Multiple Charge Inversion of Combined Long- and Nano-DMPS Data Prof. P. Winkler 2021
Andreas Gattringer Modelling of the optical properties of internally-mixed dust particles Prof. B. Weinzierl 2020
Dorian Spät Characterisation of condensation particle counters for airborne measurements Prof. B. Weinzierl 2020
Eva Sommer Current and Historical Soot Particle Concentrations in the Vienna Urban Aerosol Mag. A. Wonaschütz, PhD 2020
Mario Pail Aircraft-Induced Ice Crystal Reorientation and Related Effect on Optical Measurements Prof. B. Weinzierl 2020
Andrea Stöllner Generation of Nanoplastic Aerosols from Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Macroplastics Prof. P. Winkler 2020
Jürgen Gratzl Size distribution of pollen grains and subparticles released by pollen Dr. Julia Burkart 2020
Julian Resch Characterization of a bipolar electrospray source for the stable generation of monomolecular clusters Prof. P. Winkler 2020
Peter Wlasits Experimental verification of the effect of relative humidity on the detection efficiency of butanol-based CPCs Prof. P. Winkler 2019
Gerald Köberl Generation of aerosol nanoparticles of different composition in air and helium Prof. P. Winkler 2019
Manuel Schöberl Characterization of airborne aerosol inlets during A-LIFE Prof. B. Weinzierl 2019
Bernhard Baumgartner Charging, Detection and Sizing of Aerosol Nanoparticles in Diverse Laboratory Settings Prof. P. Winkler 2018
Kay Scholze Nanoparticle growth rate analysis from combined nanoSMPS-DMA train measurements Prof. P. Winkler 2018
Judith Kasper Wide-range aerosol particle size distribution in the Viennese urban background Mag. A. Wonaschütz, PhD 2018
Marilena Teri Airborne multi-wavelength scattering measurements in Saharan and Arabian dust layers Prof. B. Weinzierl 2017
Iris Brodacz Design and evaluation of a Corona discharge based aerosol neutralizer for an electrospray ion source Dr. G. Steiner 2017
Lorenz Witek Untersuchung der Größenabhängigkeit der hydrophilen Eigenschaften von definiert hergestellten Rußpartikeln Prof. R. Hitzenberger 2017
Manuel Orzan Evaluierung und Optimierung der Partikel-Zähleffizienz von Kondensationskernzählern im Partikelgrößenbereich <10nm Dr. G. Steiner 2016
Martin Vojta Optische Eigenschaften von Aircraft Combusting Russ Prof. R. Hitzenberger 2016
Andrea Ojdanic Charakterisierung von Kondensationspartikelzählern mit biogenen Sekundäraerosolen Prof. P. Winkler 2016